Sunday, August 30, 2009

10 Things Every Senior Flash Developer Should Know

10 Things Every Senior Flash Developer Should Know: "I’ve interviewed quite a few Flash/Flex developers as potential employees for Roundarch. The hard part for me is knowing exactly what questions to ask to be able to gauge a Flash dev’s skill level.
So, I made a list. From my experience this list allows me to judge the skill level and experience of the devs [...]"

Friday, August 14, 2009

Flex Monkey UI Testing, repetitive task record and playback

Time for you to Touch our Monkey: "Today, we (Gorilla Logic) announced the first production release of FlexMonkey, our open source Flex and AIR testing tool. We started building the tool last year because we were having a hard time finding anything that really allowed for testing Flex applications in a meaningful way. We soon found we were not the [...]"

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

FlexUnit assertNotEquals

why is there an assertEquals and no assertNotEquals in FlexUnit ?
there may be a reasonable explanation, but anyway I needed it, so here it is in case someone searches for that

here is my :

package flexunit.framework
public class AssertWithNotEquals extends Assert
public static function assertNotEquals(
if ( rest.length == 3 ){
failEquals( rest[0], rest[1], rest[2] );
failEquals( "", rest[0], rest[1] );

private static function failEquals( message:String, expected:Object, actual:Object ):void
if ( expected == actual )
if ( message.length > 0 ) message = message + " - ";
throw new AssertionFailedError( message + " expected not to be the same, but was <" + actual + ">" );

Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Search & Replace in Total Commander

Sadly there is no built-in Search & Replace functionality in Total Commander. The powerful Multi-rename option can only be used on file names.
However I've found a great plugin named 'FileFactory' by Russian author 'WhiteWind'.
The drawback is that it is a WCX (Packer) plugin, so you have to use Alt-F5, the shortcut used for creating zip files and such, and choose "ff_dummy" as packer name.
But what's cool is that you can use the Total Commander search tool, then choose 'Feed To Listbox' and apply your replacing on the resulting file list.